Sunday, October 4, 2015


Italian Wikipedia seems ruled by admins like Vito, the "bad to the bones" Mafioso user:Vituzzu (read OUTING MY EVILNESS ( ) at the center of last month issue of this blog. Or at least many Italian Wikipedians think this is the sad reality! Like in the above image where a group of persons (as imaginary wikipedians) salute with devotion & deference a huge statue representing the admin Vito. 

Indeed the above image is taken from the 2012 issue of Wikiperle  named "The Case Vituzzu" ( ) and pinpoints "the consensus according to Vituzzu" (il consenso secondo Vituzzu).

Here it is a group of excerpts translated from the Wikiperle article "il caso vituzzu":

1) Vituzzu is an emblematic figure of Wikipedia for several reasons and is well suited to clarify the concepts of "Cricca" and "Wikimafia" that recur often in our Wikiperle with related comments.We have written many times that we use those two terms to simplify a reality much more complex and varied. To tell the truth on (Italian) Wikipedia there is not a real "cricca" (in English: "gang") firmly and rigidly organized. There are, rather, relations of friendship and mutual interest, exchange of favors and defenses of the (admin) role that too often end up stepping on the same pillars on which Wikipedia is based and so always end up crushing vulnerable customers.....(because of these relations) Vituzzu rushed like a train to defend the articles of his friend Montesacro (an admin now banned) and later tried to put on the wiki "black list" the blogs 11-settembre  &  Crono911 not appreciated by Montesacro (but Vito was later forced to admit his mistake).

2) The determined defense that Vituzzu did for Montesacro was clearly evident even in the voting reconfirmation ( votazioni di riconferma ) of the latter. In the reconfirmation of December 2011, Vituzzu even accused those who expressed a vote against Montesacro to obey orders from somebody (see the comment: vedi il commento al voto di Drakkar). In that of December 2010 Vituzzu attacked one by one the users who voted against the reappointment ( gli utenti che votavano contro la riconferma ).

3)  Vituzzu is the administrator most named in the critics & reports Wikiperle receives from Wikipedians, who (even) keep an eye on the "chat sessions" on the channel of Wikipedia where Vituzzu often is showing the (uncivil) authoritarianism and arrogance with which he relates with the Italian wiki community.

 4) Vituzzu used to defend to the death his friends even when they commit abuses and harrassments, and this is certainly not good for Wikipedia. In addition, the "enemies" of his friends automatically become his enemies and Vituzzu attacks them deliberately and with impunity in order to trigger their reactions that can lead to a block (ban). Vituzzu has little consideration of consensus and believe that his opinion must prevail over those of all the others; he does not admit his mistakes and he pays attention to never apologize. Vituzzu is arrogant with newcomers and despises the opinions expressed by new-users and unregistered users (IPs), as if only the old registered wiki-users had a right to express themselves (but even then he does not renounce to his (uncivil) attacks, if the views expressed are not to his liking).

5) Vituzzu is one of those who prefer to hit those who have less opportunity to defend themselves, and he likes to do it quietly, in the shadows and hitting from the back the shoulders, hoping that the victim does not notice anyone ...(even from "Perle Complottiste")

6) The aforementioned chat (and article) shows unequivocally how this "Vituzzu" is a real human (clinical) case suffering from pathological egocentrism and narcissistic personality disorder. It is needed urgent psychiatric therapy. (Comment from "Università LIUC Carlo Cattaneo Castellanza")

Of course many wikipedians wonder how it is possible that this uncivil admin is not removed from his powerful controlling position....and the answer is simple: he has "protectors" in the high levels of Italian Wikimedia/Wikipedia. Vituzzu does the "ducetto rosso"  (red dictator) in Italian Wikipedia also because receives full support from one of the historical leaders of Mario Benvenuti, nicknamed "M7".  Mario is also an admin and bureaucrat on Meta and a Stewart, he is a former CheckUser and now he is a member of the "Ombudsman Commision". This protector is pictured in a photo to the left of the "fat Queen of Italian Wikimedia" Frieda ( ).  In the next months I will write more about......but meanwhile allow me to thank the messages of approval that I have received, denouncing this uncivil Vito & others with hundreds of posts to wikipedians in the English Wikipedia.

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