Friday, September 4, 2015


There are many persons complaining about Vito, nicknamed "Vituzzu'' in Wikipedia/Wikimedia. That's why I want to post here this month what they write against this uncivil admin. And I do this because this "Mafioso from Calabria" sometimes goes around saying that I am the one and only against him......but the reality is totally different from the lies he uses to say with his "Wikimafia"!

So let's start from the translations of some excerpts of what appears on a famous website about the Italian Wikipedia: it is named "WIKIPERLE". Here it is the full group of articles (in Italian) on Vito/Vituzzu:  and these are the most interesting:

Another related website is called "PERLE COMPLOTTISTE" and even here there it is an article dedicated to Vito and his abuses:

                                    Don VITO Corleone, the famous Hollywood Godfather

1- The admin Vituzzu since a few years ago has obtained to be a real dictator of the Italian Wikipedia, with his own group of associates and supporters that we call "Wikimafia"
(l'amministratore Vituzzu ..da qualche anno si è imposto come vero e proprio dittatore della Wikipedia italiana, con il suo bravo gruppetto di affiliati e sostenitori che noi chiamiamo Wikimafia) "L'ora di Vigevanese" of  January 2013.
2- Many admins work like they were small emperors and policemen without pity, ready to punish whoever doesn't bend to them and to help whoever is fully faithful  to their POVs. One of the worst of them is Vituzzu, who is experienced and active, but he is a bully with sly and arrogance (molti amministratori ... si sentono piccoli imperatori e spietati vigili urbani, pronti a punire chiunque non si inchini al loro cospetto e a graziare chi fa atto di fede.Tra questi amministratori, uno dei peggiori è Vituzzu, tanto capace -è tra i più esperti e assidui- quanto prepotente, subdolo e arrogante) in "Wikipedia come la Gestapo" of December 2013.
3-Vituzzu is the unlucky guy who is without a real good life to show proudly, and so he is self-giving importance socially trying to be a boss in control of But on the contrary what he gets is similar to the little bully in high school who rules on the elementary kids, but when dealing with those in college is ridiculed as worth "nothing"...and meanwhile cannot stop the laughs from everybody behind him. Exactly what happened to him at his school. PS: someone has understood who is this Vituzzu? Is he a problematic kid/teenager or a fortysomething without social life? (Vituzzu è il solito sfigato che, non avendo una vita reale di cui vantarsi, tenta di darsi un tono facendo finta di poter "influire" sulla Invece l'effetto che ottiene è quello del bulletto della terza media che fa il gradasso con quelli delle che quando si avvicina ad uno delle scuole superiori, viene considerato per quello che è: una nullità intanto non puo' evitare che tutti gli ridano dietro. Esattamente come gli succedeva a scuola.PS: ma qualcuno è riuscito a capire chi sia questo Vituzzu? E' un bimbominkia o è un ultraquarantenne privo di vita sociale?) in Comments on "Vituzzu contro il prof. Drago" of July 2015.
4- These idiots (like Vituzzu) have the guts to feel offended if someone accuses them to be worst than the Gestapo! This is the way Wikipedia works, the free and public encyclopedia...until you don't bother one of these (Mafiosi) who got authority thanks to their dirty methods and is supported by this mafia group! And you cannot defend yourself because these guys are at the same time judges (they ban you), prosecutors (they find all excuses) and one-side defenders (because they help each other in order to promote their consensus inside the (Wikipedia) system and don't care about other users' reasons and rights (Questi idioti (come Vituzzu) hanno il coraggio pure di offendersi se gli dici che sono peggio della Gestapo!Ecco come funziona wikipedia, l’enciclopedia libera e democratica… fino a quando non pesti i piedi a qualcuno che proprio grazie a questi metodi è riuscito a farsi un certo consenso e gode di un seguito di amichetti compiacenti!E tu non puoi difenderti, perchè questi tizi sono contemporaneamente giudici (ti danno i blocchi), accusa (cercano tutti i pretesti) e difesa ma a senso unico, perchè si difendono tra loro per rafforzare il loro consenso all'interno del sistema, e se ne sbattono delle ragioni degli altri utenti!) in Comments on "Wikipedia:mai criticare la famiglia" of  May 2013
5- Vituzzu has cowardly cheated creating a software BOT that should have put the one million article in the Italian wikipedia, while he was quietly sleeping in his other words, Vituzzu has cheated in order to be historically remembered as the one who wrote the one million article of Italian Wikipedia. It is a bit like the athlete who uses a drug to win a race competition. This fact explains in great detail which kind of user/admin is Vituzzu (Vituzzu, ha barato vigliaccamente creando un programma robot che avrebbe dovuto inserire la milionesima voce mentre lui se ne stava tranquillo a letto a dormire....In altre parole, Vituzzu ha barato allo scopo di passare alla storia come l'inseritore della milionesima voce di Wikipedia. E' un po' come l'atleta che ricorre al doping per vincere una gara.Questa circostanza la dice lunga su che razza di utente/amministratore sia Vituzzu) in "Wikipedia:la milionesima bufala" of January 2013.

Of course I want to remember what wrote on about the "Mafioso Moscerino Vituzzu" a wikipedian named Abd. He wrote that "Vituzzu is a loose cannon, and he, with the collaboration of a few others, has been causing massive global activity damaging the projects (of Wikipedia), all out of his "hatred" for "promotion," and his acknowledged impatience with policy. He is not one of the major actors in combatting real spam, see the post above, he's minor. Given that relative lack of activity, his error rate is enormous". And we have seen last month one of his many mistakes with user:Onomaticus (and later with user of IP , who is from Canada and not from the USA, and was confused by Vito with Brunodam who lives in Florida: read Really, his error rate is enormous!!! Like his malignity and sadism banning whoever he doesn't like....

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