Tuesday, July 14, 2015



This post is a follow up of the first written last May 2015.

                                    Nicotera in southern Calabria (photo from Commons)

This Vituzzu (his real name is Vito) is a "Mafioso" born in Calabria (southern Italy).  He is such a traitor to his own people (as one person who knows him personally wrote on the Italian Wikipedia) that goes around saying that he is a "Sicilian" and continuously is trying to deny his Calabrian roots. He even wrote that the Calabria dialect is a derivation from the Sicilian dialect (he literally wrote: "il calabrese è una variante del siciliano"). But this affirmation clearly shows his ignorance, as can be seen on this map: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Languages_spoken_in_Italy.svg   All the serious linguists judge the Calabrese dialect as a "transition dialect" from the Neapolitan to the Sicilian! Furthermore in northern Calabria the local dialect is practically a kind of Neapolitan, but Vito cannot know this reality because his ignorance is due to the low level schools he has done in his underdeveloped Calabria (the poorest region in southern Italy).

Additionally a woman who knows him personally has described him as "basso, sozzo e puzzolente" (low, dirty and stinky), but his worst characteristic is that he is "bad to the bones" and often throws a stone and hide his arm behind another person, who later is accused to have done the attack..... As an example I want to remember what happened to user:Middayexpress.

The Wikipedia woman nicknamed Middayexpress was forced to withdraw exactly after Vito attacked user:Oldsettler. Without that attack, probably this blog would have not been written and many wikipedians who wanted her ban, probably would have not attacked her so vehemently (because pushed to do so by the many posts we sent to them). The result: probably she would still be writing on Wikipedia! And even user Oldsettler probably would have received a normal punishment and now would be writing in Wikipedia his good articles on Somalia....but the tricky Mafioso Vituzzu has done all he has wanted and he is now the only without damage from all this. While Middayexpress and Oldsettler are gone, Wikipedia has lost many good articles.......but what has happened to the "stinky" mafioso Vito? NOTHING! Unbelievable, but true (as in the TV series)........

The same is happening with user: Tokyogirl79 (。◕‿◕。) . She has been used by Vito in order to erase a lot of articles very well written by user Cresthaven.  Indeed Vito pinpointed to her that user Cresthaven was the same user Oldsettler and quickly got what he wanted: she did for him the dirty job of removal, while he disappeared without any damage....She later wrote that "I'd actually gotten pretty heavily insulted in the process and accused of WP:BADFAITH deletions". Sincerely, Vito is "bad to the bones" but shrewd and tricky like an uncivil "Mafioso"! 

And he always forbids any personal defense of the erased writings by the author Oldsettler or Cresthaven or whoever, even if they get wikipedian "Barnstars"!!!! The "stinky" Vito seems extremely worried by what is written by these two wikipedians (and others) and so he has only erased and erased and erased and erased their posts & articles in the last weeks (as can be seen on his May/June/July 2015  English talkpage and contributions https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/Vituzzu ): but obviously THIS REACTION IS A CLEAR PROOF THAT HE IS BEING HIT, MAINLY IN HIS REPUTATION!

                               Laureana di Borrello in southern Calabria (from Commons)

Indeed the proof of the Mafioso mentality and behavior of Vito comes from the way he "scared" user Cavarrone in the English Wikipedia.Vito attacked Cavarrone in the exactly same way the Mafia men "push with threatening behavior" their victims. Indeed Cavarrone gave a Barnstar to user Oldsettler because of the well written article "Italian Massaua". But when Cavarrone requested to unblock the article ([[User:Cavarrone/ItMassaua]]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Cavarrone/ItMassaua ), Vito quickly showed up scaring Cavarrone: read and/or translate from Italian  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Cavarrone/Archive_6#Ciao and the following "Proxying".

Furthermore this Vito -according to some Italian wikipedians- has a relative linked to members of the "ndrangheta" (the Mafia of Calabria) and so he uses the same Mafia tactics: he has repeated the same "Mafia push" with many others who wanted to cancel the removal of  the good articles of Oldsettler. Like with user DGG, who wanted to save "Concessions and forts of Italy in China" (read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:DGG#Concessions_and_forts_of_Italy_in_China ) but was scared and did nothing.

One central characteristic of all the Vito behavior is the typical hate for all that is Italian and/or promotes the importance of Italy in our western society & civilization: this is a characteristic that is typical of  all the main Mafia boss in History, from the bandit Giuliano  (  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvatore_Giuliano ) to the criminal Calogero Vizzini or to the "capo" Lucky Luciano ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucky_Luciano#World_War_II.2C_freedom.2C_and_deportation ). That is why the traitor Vito has quickly erased from Wikipedia articles like "Massacre of Italians at Sciara Sciat" (
and other well documented writings that defended the Italians in their colonial empire. Additionally he always erases the bibliography (like the book  "Guerra Italo-Turca" from the Library of Congress: http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=loc.ark:/13960/t25b0zx8w;view=1up;seq=1) he doesn't like, because exposes the truth on the Italian "mild and civilized" colonialism,.........but the "Mafioso" Vito never allows a defense against the removal!

And in the Italian Wikipedia, where he can do whatever he wants, his removals are astonishingly without shame: for example a few months ago he suddenly made "disappear" in one day with his mafia associates the article "Grande Italia" ( https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Pagine_da_cancellare/Grande_Italia ), while this article is accepted without problems as "Greater Italy" or "Imperial Italy" (    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_Italy_(fascist)   ) in the English Wikipedia (and in other 21 Wiki, like the French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Portuguese, etc..) .

Finally I want to remember again that user Vituzzu (nicknamed "moscerino", that in Italian means "mosquito", because he bothers like a stupid mosquito erasing 1 or 10 % of what I post in Wikipedia) is a not too much clever young man who is excessively ambitious and a bit sick of sadism. He likes to rule the Italian Wikipedia like a little red "ducetto" (dictator), but he has his limits.

Limits that have been identified with accuracy by Abd when he wrote a Wikipediocracy article ( http://wikipediocracy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=95904 ) on this Mafioso traitor of his own people. Indeed Abd wrote that "Vituzzu is a loose cannon, and he, with the collaboration of a few others, has been causing massive global activity damaging the projects (of Wikipedia), all out of his "hatred" for "promotion," and his acknowledged impatience with policy. He is not one of the major actors in combatting real spam, see the post above, he's minor. Given that relative lack of activity, his error rate is enormous". He seems to enjoy to "ban" people on Wikipedia with a sadism that is probably related to a kind of psychological vengeance because he is not working (he lives in Calabria, the region of Italy with the highest unemployment).

And if a proof is needed of his uncivil sadism, please read his own words on his user page: OUTING MY EVILNESS (https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Vituzzu&diff=662072374&oldid=596379010 ).

Last but not least, we are checking some evidences about user:Vituzzu, who seems to be very involved in all the Muslim fanatism on Wikipedia ( some Italians and a Canadian have been recently arrested in "Operation Martese", read [9]). We will elaborate our investigations and  report it on WP:AN/I or to the top authorities of Wikipedia/Wikimedia and/or other institutions (like the FBI, if possible: https://www.fbi.gov/report-threats-and-crime ).

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