I have been told that some members of the CRICCA (a kind of "mafia-style" group of the Italian Wikipedia, that is increasingly ruling this wiki) are worried by my blog "Manmer2015". They behave like rats when a light is put on these disgusting animals and try to escape (because they are afraid of being identified, thanks to what I write). Of course this delights me.....so I am going to dedicate this month to the "CRICCAROLI RATS", as someone has nicknamed them ("Criccaroli" means in Italian language: "members of the Cricca"), and to their links with the uncivil Vito.
Old photo of the first "Criccaroli" buying drugs (?) in Italian Wikipedia meeting at Siena2006
First of all I have to pinpoint that there are 2 groups of "CRICCAROLI". One is the "official" on Italian Wikipedia and is made of users a bit aggressive but -let's say- normal in their behavior (the main ruler of this group seems to be the fat "Queen of Italian wiki": Frieda Brioschi): they can be found with the nickname "Chattaroli" in Chattaroli. It is interesting to note that they proudly display as their motto that "In irc (internet relay chat) tutti sono malvagi, e chi dice il contrario è stato in irc e quindi è malvagio..." , that in English means "In IRC (main It.Wiki chat channel) all members are evil, and who says the contrary has been in IRC and so he too is evil..."
But the other is an undercover group that is made of "HUMAN RATS", as one of my friends called them. Of course the Mafioso Vituzzu is a member of this second group, as all of you can easily surmise.
The main members of this dangerous "Cricca" are denounced in a comment on Wikiperle by a person with the nickname "ing. Andrea M.". He wrote (as I have written last month) that :
"Blackcat (an admin cousin of Frieda Brioschi, the "fat queen of Italian Wikimedia") and his friends are those who support the web helping Vituzzu in the italian wikipedia; and they work together in the other areas of Wiki on commission. If you pay attention the "Cricca"(Wikimafia) of Vituzzu has jobs everywhere: Blackcat & Jaqen in Commons, Sannita in Wikidata, M7 in Wikiquote, so when a favour/help is needed it is sufficient to do an e-mail message and the evidences disappear. And nobody dares to denounce because afraid to be banned...... (Lui Blackcat/Sergio e tutti questi amichetti sono quelli che sostengono la rete di soccorso di Vituzzu e agiscono su commissione negli altri progetti. Se ci fate caso la cricca di Vituzzu ha incarichi dovunque: Blackcat e Jaqen su Commons, Sannita su Wikidata, M7 su Wikiquote, quindi quando serve un favore basta lasciare un messaggio in e-mail e la roba sparisce. E nessuno denuncia niente perché ha paura per la propria utenza......)
This person nicknamed "Ingegnere Andrea M." has even added that he was forced to stop writing on Italian Wikipedia because of anonymous letters received! If interested, please read with a "google translator" his comment in Italian of January 4, 2016 ( wikiperle.blogspot.com/2015/07/vituzzu-contro-il-prof-drago.html#comment-form ): here it is another evidence that this "Cricca" is a disgusting MAFIA, with its usual anonymous attacks!!!!
Furthermore, allow me to repeat what has happened to me (nicknamed "Brunodam" in Wikipedia) when I was banned forever by members of this disgusting "Cricca" in 2007:
"....Two relatives from Italy came to spend a summer in 2007 at Brunodam's house in south Florida. They spent some months posting with him on Salerno topics on the Italian Wikipedia from his home (using his same modem, of course). An Italian wiki admin did not believe that they were 3 different persons and blocked them: they offered to send copies of their passports & identifications and to talk by phone to show that they were not the same persons, but he kept blocking them. Brunodam then got enraged and "hinted" that he was thinking of getting help from an attorney in order to defend himself from these offensive accusations.......and suddenly he got BANNED FOREVER! No possibility of defending himself, and the same happened for his 2 relatives who got astonished by all this. Brunodam wrote even to Jimbo (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Jimbo_Wales), but he got always blocked and blocked and blocked and blocked every tentative of communication...."
Later, one of my two relatives -enraged like me- decided to write a blog against this "Cricca". You can read her blog "Criccawikipediaitaliana" -that received many comments and approvals- here:
So, after some years and until we will obtain full victory, we keep & will keep denouncing this "Cricca": Vituzzu, Blackcat, M7, Jacquen, Sannita and a few others (like Alessandro57) are the SHAME of Italian Wikipedia!!!
The members of this evil "Cricca" have one characteristic: they are all supporters of Marxism and/or Social-Communism.....and are linked to leftist groups in the world. Vito, for example, is a known "servant" of the leftist Croatian group that seems ruled/controlled by the tricky admin User:Joy and that in English Wikipedia controls all the articles on former Yugoslavia of criminal dictator Tito.
Since 2011 we have this shameful "leccapiedismo" (coward submission) of Vito and others to this Croatian group (that has received a lot of critics even from the same founder-owner of Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales/Jimbo; read: Jimbo_Wales/Archive_144#Gathering_information_about_alleged_irregularities_on_Croatian_Wikipedia
and 2013_issues_on_Croatian_Wikipedia), as can be seen on this comment that was done on "Aromuni e neolatini balcanici(ilmioweblogaromuno)" by Giacomo Sorgi and that can be easily translated with translate-google :
"Eccomi quindi in trasferta per un mese su en.wiki dove sto assistendo ad una situazione praticamente assurda.Mi sono cimentato nella redazione di pagine riguardanti l'Adriatico: il Gargano, Peschici, Ragusa, Giacomo Micaglia.. quando mi rendo conto di cosa sta succedendo: tutte le voci sono artificiosamente slavizzate: addirittura Giacomo Micaglia è Jacob Mijkali, La famiglia Sorgo è diventata Sorcocejivic con tanto di segni diacritici, addirittura esiste su en.wiki la "Repubblica di Dubrovnik"!! Cioè non v'è traccia della cultura nè italiana, nè addirittura romanza...E mentre con stupore mi accorgo di ciò, due utenti di chiaro orientamento nazionalista slavo-croato, tra i più attivi, ingraziatisi alcuni admin iniziano a intimorirmi, rollbackandomi automaticamente nonchè minacciandomi ed accusandomi di essere un sockpuppet di qualche altro povero utente precedentemente bannato. Sto cercando di rendere pubblica la questione, poichè si rischia una deriva impressionante del progetto.Bisogna fare attenzione a non scrivere in modo diretto nelle pagine utente del gruppetto di nazionalisti croati e slavi, oggi - nel 2011- "loro" (Direktor , Srnec, Kubura, Zoupan, Joy & Co.) lo possono fare tranquillamente, mentre gli utenti neutrali o dal nome vagamente italiano vengono subito accusati di essere una "clique".Attenzione poi a rifuggire la marea di troll e sock croati che girano attorno alle voci istriano-dalmate.Ci sono amministratori (come User:Polargeo e come User:Vituzzu) che si sono fatti abbindolare da questo gruppo di fanatici nazionalisti sloveno-croati, e che in tempo zero intervengono col bastone per eliminargli ogni problema.Insomma con siti web che attingono a piene mani da en.wikipedia, ci si è ritrovati in una situazione di falso storico che ha dell'incredibile."
Here it is a brief translation: "I posted in en. wiki something on Istria-Dalmatia issues and I was shocked to find that the Italian Giacomo Micaglia was written Jacob Mijkali or the Sorgo family was named Sorcocejivic, without any reference to the Italian culture in Ragusa (called always Dubrovnik) and so on. I tried to correct something but I was quickly attacked and roll-backed by a group of fanatical Croatian/Slav nationalists (like admin Joy or Croatian Admin Kubura and User:Director or User:Srnec ), who are supported by stupid Italians (like user Vituzzu and user Polargeo).In this way we find in en.wiki a situation of falsification of History that is unbelievable".
Indeed the coward submission of "leccapiedi" Vito can be clearly seen when fanatical admin Joy on the English Wikipedia sent him a post ordering to "check up" (meaning: attack erasing) articles posted by Brunodam here: Brunodam_check_please.........and TRAITOR Vituzzu quickly obeyed erasing many wiki-voices on Italy that were judged favorable to the Italians by "pro-Croatia" Joy, who a week before had made "disappear" -with his usual tricky ways- an article on Italian Cattaro (actual Kotor) that was named Venetian Cattaro: all this happened because Croatian (left & right) nationalists want to erase all evidences of Italian presence in coastal Dalmatia and in Istria/Venezia Giulia. The servant Vituzzu even answered to his "boss" as soon as possible here: User_talk:Joy#Re:AT YOUR ORDERS! What a shame this disgusting coward submission of TRAITOR Vito.........that's why one of my friends called the Calabria's mafioso Vito a REAL HUMAN RAT WITHOUT DIGNITY!
Furthermore Vito is even showing coward submission to the orders of ISIS/Shabaab supporters inside English Wikipedia! He is always at the orders of user:AcidSnow, a wikipedian from Somalia about whom we wrote because friend of banned "terrorist" Middayexpress (read our June 2015 issue: http://manmer2.blogspot.com/2015/06/middayexpress-withdrawal-ban.html )
Finally, now I am going to start a second -and in my opinion more effective- attack against this uncivil & traitor Vituzzu and his "Cricca" (called sometimes "Wikimafia"): from now I will start writing letters directly to the mail address of the main authorities of Wikipedia. After a lot of research I have found their personal addresses. In this way I will reach directly -and without interferences- Jimbo & his managers. And -because of this activity writing these "letters" full of details & evidences in order to convince Jimbo & his managers to get rid of this Wikimafia- probably this is going to be my last month writing this "Manmer2015".....anyway, we'll see what happens in the next months. My best wishes to all of you..... B.D.
Last but not least, we must remember that a lot of persons are complaining about the psychological problems of Vituzzu (similar to those of many mafia bosses). From calling him a "psychopathic mind" to requesting "psychiatric treatment" for his mad behavior, a lot of people have doubts about his brain normality. May be the most precise & indicative is the following comment done by the "Universita' LUIC Carlo Cattaneo" (read the original comment here: http://wikiperle.blogspot.com/2012/01/ll-caso-vituzzu.html ): Unequivocally it is clearly demonstrated that Vituzzu is a real case of human person suffering from pathological egocentrism and narcissistic personality disorder. It is needed urgent psychiatric therapy for his psychosis.
Vituzzu indeed has a psychosis that makes him to act as a damaging psychopath inside Wikipedia: he is a not too much clever young man who is excessively ambitious and a bit sick of sadism. He likes to rule the Italian Wikipedia like a little red "ducetto" (dictator), but he has his limits.
Limits that have been identified with accuracy by the expert Abd when he wrote that "Vituzzu is a loose cannon, and he, with the collaboration of a few others, has been causing massive global activity damaging the projects (of Wikipedia),.......his error rate is enormous".
Furthermore, Vituzzu seems to enjoy to "ban" people on Wikipedia with a sadism that is probably related to a kind of psychological vengeance because he is not working full time (he lives in Calabria, the poorest region of Italy). Additionally he has relatives that seems to be linked to the 'Ndrangheta, a dangerous mafia of Calabria, and he is "bad to the bones" (as a person, who knows him personally, wrote). But -worst of all- he is connected to extreme leftist organizations (like the national-communists of Croatian Wikipedia) and he is shamefully at their service: someone has defined him as "a TRAITOR of his own Italian people" always ready to erase and attack all that can show that the Italians are one of the best & important people in the world.
Monday, February 1, 2016
Saturday, January 2, 2016
The following is another evidence of how bad & uncivil is a Mafioso sysop of the Italian Wikipedia, who is nicknamed "Vituzzu" (indeed to understand the "bad to the bones" admin Vituzzu, please read OUTING MY EVILNESS at https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Vituzzu&diff=662072374&oldid=596379010 ).
Photo of a "Rattus rattus", an animal that perfectly represents the so called Bastard Rat Vito, as one of my friends nicknamed the evil Vituzzu last month.
This Vituzzu is damaging Wikipedia, as explained with detailed data & information on the 2015 issues of my blog "Manmer2015". Additionally, here it is a group of excerpts about an investigation done in 2014 on him by an experienced and serious person, "Abd" of Wikipediocracy:
"I am currently investigating a situation where stewards (two or three of them) appear to be violating global ban policy. Rschen7754's initial violation was minor, if a violation at all. The serious violation is Vituzzu, who has globally locked a series of accounts with no disclosure except what an investigator will extract from logs.
The offense of those accounts is being single-purpose accounts interested in and only editing with respect to an apparently notable photographer. SPAs like this exist very commonly with no sanctions. None of these accounts had been warned. It's quite clear they are not all the same person. Only one had been recently editing, and it was the actions of this single account that brought down what I'm calling the "Spamish Inquisition".
The account violated no policy. It is possible that the actions of this account could be considered disruptive: the account, Augusto De Luca, created 557 user pages, one on each of 557 WMF wikis, each with no text other than a single link to a file hosted on Commons, work of the photographer with the same name.
However, this action resembles the action of a spambot. It was asserted by those involved -- a global sysop, Rschen7754, and Vituzzu, and one steward took one questionable action in this case, the steward is also a local sysop, so the issue is muddied, that this was a "spambot," but spambots don't act like this. The global sysop involved, in one of the two deletion discussions -- both of which I triggered -- showed sorted account creation times from CentralAuth as "proof" that this was a bot, but CA account linking times are ''not'' edit times, and I just demonstrated that in a trial. Further, if I decided to create an account on all WMF wikis -- which this user apparently decided to do -- I could do it in roughly ninety minutes if I was willing to work hard for that period. It is still unclear to me how long the user took, but a figure of 13 hours has been stated.
"Spambot" is stated for obvious reasons: spam is extraordinarily unpopular, and adding spam by bot? That's horrible! Can we ban this person from the internet? If an account is editing cross wiki, it *must be a bot* and unapproved bots are prohibited, right? They will be locked, for sure.
No, not right. Bots operating at a rate not exceeding 1 per minute do not require authorization. 1 edit per minute, times 557 edits, is about 9 hours. I don't know about peak rate, because most of the evidence has been deleted, is not visible to ordinary editors, but the average rate was certainly under the limit.
Because this mass user account creation was noticed -- and there are people who watch for this kind of thing -- the articles on the photographer were examined. The home wiki of the creators of these articles is it.wikipedia. There is an article on en.wikipedia which has been edited by many others. Once the idea was created that this was "promotion," and Vituzzu tossed in "paid editors, SEOs," every SPA invoved was assumed to be part of a conspiracy to promote the photographer.
Vituzzu blocked almost all of the SPAs without any discussion at all. One was the daughter of the photographer (this is clear from Commons uploads), and she had been warned about COI editing on it.wikipedia, and she politely stopped, continuing to edit for a short time on general purpose edits, and stopped completed in November, 2011. He locked her account.
I believe at this point that all the other accounts, while not warned at all, had stopped. The only active account was the one in the photographer's name. I've spent a lot of time with the issue now, and this is what I would do if I wanted to set up communication with the world wiki community, and I wasn't aware of the "Spamish Inquisition":
I would create all the accounts, and as a photographer, by way of introduction, I'd put up a link to my work. Is this "promotion"? Sure. It happens to be a kind of promotion that is "allowed* on user pages. Then, resting for a bit, "Whew! 557 accounts created! I think I'll rest for a day!" -- he came back the next day to set up email notification, because that requires a separate step per wiki, it's actually more than double the work. But by then, he could not log in to do it because the SUL account was locked.
Most of the created user accounts have been deleted. Most were deleted by the global sysop, by Rschen7754, and by Vituzzu. However, some wikis have not opted in to global sysop actions. So some of the files were tagged for speedy deletion. The reason for deletion was "cross wiki spam," or in what would be telling and seems to have been quite successful, "cross wiki spam, see CA."
So if a sysop looked at CA, they saw 1 edit per wiki, 557 wikis. OMG! Massive spam! Delete!
Some of the deletion reasons show that very little thought was given. One called the edits "vandalism." I'd think that was pretty crazy, but ... I mentioned that there was no discussion.
Normally, global locks will be discussed on meta at Steward requests/Global. Still nothing there. However, Vituzzu just mentioned his actions on meta, Vandalism reports. Hello? He gives no details, nobody could make any sense out of that report if they don't do a lot of digging.
Now, as to Rschen7754, why I'm mentioning this here:
Wikiversity Request for deletion. This RfD also links to my study pages, the study is in progress.
The point here is that we have a global sysop and two stewards commenting in a local RfD on Wikiversity. Highly unusual in itself. The claim was not made that they were wrong to tag a suspicious page. But the defense of their actions went way beyond any necessity. And I was, of course, attacked.
The RfD was filed and the first comment, immediately, was from Wim b, with a total error, treating account attachment time as if it were edit time. In fact, to accomplish the account creations efficiently, one first sets up the account links. I do not yet know the exact process, and simply being logged in to one wiki and looking at others isn't enough. But then a second login appears to trigger a rash of account creations. Once CentralAuth shows all accounts desired, then one uses a page of links, I created such a page to study the edits of Augusto and the response, trivial with a spreadsheet. With a few tricks, the whole process can be done very, very quickly with no bot and no script. A more sophisticated computer user (but naive as to WMF practice) would use a script.
Wim b never responded to his obvious error being pointed out. Instead:
This is a global sysop! Nobody in that discussion knows who Castaldo or Pisanti are. I do, of course, because I just spent an insane amount of time researching it. The concept of a "test before bigger spam" is insane. Basically, do something to call attention to everything that has been done? No, it's almost certain: the photographer had no clue that this would be considered improper. There had been a lesser action by Pisanti, he did create user pages with single images. No problem. Pisanti had stopped editing, and never did what I'd expect a true paid editor to do: some ordinary wikignoming. Play a little whac-a-mole on Recent Changes. The antispammers will only catch the inept. And what he did wasn't spam. It was arguably promotion. These antispammers are clueless about the difference.
(I don't think that anything above was "personal quarrel." Vituzzu had made a comment about "pride" and I turned it around, that was trivial -- and brief -- dicta. I often use the analogy of "campus cops" for sysops, it's apt for Wikiversity. An analogy for global sysops and stewards would be "federal police." He thinks this is "propaganda" but he is projecting arguments that I wasn't making. And this demonstrates the level of thought involved. My comments here are far more personal than there. I attempted to stay focused on the issue, whether or not the page should be deleted on Wikiversity.
It's clear that Wikiversity deletion policy does not contemplate deleting pages like this. You can see the initial comment from the Wikiversity sysop. The page does not violate our policy. But there is another issue raised. If the account is globally locked, it can't edit, so it can be argued that it's useless.
But the page does not appear to violate policy on any wiki, as far as I've seen. It certainly does not violate any en.wikipedia policy, which didn't stop Rschen7754 from deleting it there. "Cross-wiki spam" is not a mentioned speedy deletion reason. Placing links to Commons photos on user pages is a very poor way to "promote" them. The only people who will find or see those pages will be those who are looking at the user's edits.
Wikipedia WikiProject spam is blatant that those fighting spam should dump "Assume Good Faith". And they do. There is an obvious explanation for the user's behavior, and it isn't to spam. It may be some sort of promotion, a kind that is allowed.
"Promote," Vituzzu. It's not contrary to policy. If these people were paid, it may be contrary to policy, but under the circumstances, it's unlikely. The daughter has a COI. She made no attempt to conceal it. The others may or may not have any connection with the photographer, other than obvious interest. He's a spectacular photographer!"....Abd
The above excerpts show that Vituzzu has blocked a group of persons with his tricky tactics and that his behavior is "contrary to policy", as stated by the honest Abd.
Many others have done similar complaints against this mafioso admin....so why he "keeps going and going and going" inside Italian Wikipedia? The answer can be found in the comment done by "ing Andrea" on Wikiperle! He wrote that: "Blackcat (an admin cousin of Frieda Brioschi, the "fat queen of Italian Wikimedia") and his friends are those who support the web helping Vituzzu in the italian wikipedia; and they work together in the other areas of Wiki on commission. If you pay attention the "Cricca"(Wikimafia) of Vituzzu has jobs everywhere: Blackcat & Jaquen in Commons, Sannita in Wikidata, M7 in Wikiquote, so when a favour/help is needed it is sufficient to do an e-mail message and the evidences disappear. And nobody dares to denounce because afraid to be banned...... (Lui e tutti questi amichetti sono quelli che sostengono la rete di soccorso di Vituzzu e agiscono su commissione negli altri progetti. Se ci fate caso la cricca di Vituzzu ha incarichi dovunque: Blackcat e Jaquen su Commons, Sannita su Wikidata, M7 su Wikiquote, quindi quando serve un favore basta lasciare un messaggio in e-mail e la roba sparisce. E nessuno denuncia niente perché ha paura per la propria utenza......)
Photo of a "Rattus rattus", an animal that perfectly represents the so called Bastard Rat Vito, as one of my friends nicknamed the evil Vituzzu last month.
This Vituzzu is damaging Wikipedia, as explained with detailed data & information on the 2015 issues of my blog "Manmer2015". Additionally, here it is a group of excerpts about an investigation done in 2014 on him by an experienced and serious person, "Abd" of Wikipediocracy:
"I am currently investigating a situation where stewards (two or three of them) appear to be violating global ban policy. Rschen7754's initial violation was minor, if a violation at all. The serious violation is Vituzzu, who has globally locked a series of accounts with no disclosure except what an investigator will extract from logs.
The offense of those accounts is being single-purpose accounts interested in and only editing with respect to an apparently notable photographer. SPAs like this exist very commonly with no sanctions. None of these accounts had been warned. It's quite clear they are not all the same person. Only one had been recently editing, and it was the actions of this single account that brought down what I'm calling the "Spamish Inquisition".
The account violated no policy. It is possible that the actions of this account could be considered disruptive: the account, Augusto De Luca, created 557 user pages, one on each of 557 WMF wikis, each with no text other than a single link to a file hosted on Commons, work of the photographer with the same name.
However, this action resembles the action of a spambot. It was asserted by those involved -- a global sysop, Rschen7754, and Vituzzu, and one steward took one questionable action in this case, the steward is also a local sysop, so the issue is muddied, that this was a "spambot," but spambots don't act like this. The global sysop involved, in one of the two deletion discussions -- both of which I triggered -- showed sorted account creation times from CentralAuth as "proof" that this was a bot, but CA account linking times are ''not'' edit times, and I just demonstrated that in a trial. Further, if I decided to create an account on all WMF wikis -- which this user apparently decided to do -- I could do it in roughly ninety minutes if I was willing to work hard for that period. It is still unclear to me how long the user took, but a figure of 13 hours has been stated.
"Spambot" is stated for obvious reasons: spam is extraordinarily unpopular, and adding spam by bot? That's horrible! Can we ban this person from the internet? If an account is editing cross wiki, it *must be a bot* and unapproved bots are prohibited, right? They will be locked, for sure.
No, not right. Bots operating at a rate not exceeding 1 per minute do not require authorization. 1 edit per minute, times 557 edits, is about 9 hours. I don't know about peak rate, because most of the evidence has been deleted, is not visible to ordinary editors, but the average rate was certainly under the limit.
Because this mass user account creation was noticed -- and there are people who watch for this kind of thing -- the articles on the photographer were examined. The home wiki of the creators of these articles is it.wikipedia. There is an article on en.wikipedia which has been edited by many others. Once the idea was created that this was "promotion," and Vituzzu tossed in "paid editors, SEOs," every SPA invoved was assumed to be part of a conspiracy to promote the photographer.
Vituzzu blocked almost all of the SPAs without any discussion at all. One was the daughter of the photographer (this is clear from Commons uploads), and she had been warned about COI editing on it.wikipedia, and she politely stopped, continuing to edit for a short time on general purpose edits, and stopped completed in November, 2011. He locked her account.
I believe at this point that all the other accounts, while not warned at all, had stopped. The only active account was the one in the photographer's name. I've spent a lot of time with the issue now, and this is what I would do if I wanted to set up communication with the world wiki community, and I wasn't aware of the "Spamish Inquisition":
I would create all the accounts, and as a photographer, by way of introduction, I'd put up a link to my work. Is this "promotion"? Sure. It happens to be a kind of promotion that is "allowed* on user pages. Then, resting for a bit, "Whew! 557 accounts created! I think I'll rest for a day!" -- he came back the next day to set up email notification, because that requires a separate step per wiki, it's actually more than double the work. But by then, he could not log in to do it because the SUL account was locked.
Most of the created user accounts have been deleted. Most were deleted by the global sysop, by Rschen7754, and by Vituzzu. However, some wikis have not opted in to global sysop actions. So some of the files were tagged for speedy deletion. The reason for deletion was "cross wiki spam," or in what would be telling and seems to have been quite successful, "cross wiki spam, see CA."
So if a sysop looked at CA, they saw 1 edit per wiki, 557 wikis. OMG! Massive spam! Delete!
Some of the deletion reasons show that very little thought was given. One called the edits "vandalism." I'd think that was pretty crazy, but ... I mentioned that there was no discussion.
Normally, global locks will be discussed on meta at Steward requests/Global. Still nothing there. However, Vituzzu just mentioned his actions on meta, Vandalism reports. Hello? He gives no details, nobody could make any sense out of that report if they don't do a lot of digging.
Now, as to Rschen7754, why I'm mentioning this here:
Wikiversity Request for deletion. This RfD also links to my study pages, the study is in progress.
The point here is that we have a global sysop and two stewards commenting in a local RfD on Wikiversity. Highly unusual in itself. The claim was not made that they were wrong to tag a suspicious page. But the defense of their actions went way beyond any necessity. And I was, of course, attacked.
The RfD was filed and the first comment, immediately, was from Wim b, with a total error, treating account attachment time as if it were edit time. In fact, to accomplish the account creations efficiently, one first sets up the account links. I do not yet know the exact process, and simply being logged in to one wiki and looking at others isn't enough. But then a second login appears to trigger a rash of account creations. Once CentralAuth shows all accounts desired, then one uses a page of links, I created such a page to study the edits of Augusto and the response, trivial with a spreadsheet. With a few tricks, the whole process can be done very, very quickly with no bot and no script. A more sophisticated computer user (but naive as to WMF practice) would use a script.
Wim b never responded to his obvious error being pointed out. Instead:
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Ah, ok, so: URL = spam, using a bot for created 557+ user's pages with your photos, orverlinking (also off-topic, edited by Ferdinando Castaldo, monotematic user whit user page identical at Augusto, a test before bigger spam?) and create a biography in NS:0 in much wikis using a babelfish and a sockpuppet (like Ferdinando Castaldo or Elvira Pisanti, another monotematic user with identical user's page) ≠ spam... Sure?!--Wim b 04:22, 27 March 2014 (UTC)
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Abd feel free to say it's a fan rather than a hired SEO, feel free to say SEO is fine, feel free to deal with a lots of crappy non-relevant stuffs ("federal police" is what in communication is called "propaganda") but that won't change the simple fact you've made a personal quarrel out of a simple clean-up. --Vituzzu (discuss • contribs) 18:41, 30 March 2014 (UTC)
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It's clear that Wikiversity deletion policy does not contemplate deleting pages like this. You can see the initial comment from the Wikiversity sysop. The page does not violate our policy. But there is another issue raised. If the account is globally locked, it can't edit, so it can be argued that it's useless.
But the page does not appear to violate policy on any wiki, as far as I've seen. It certainly does not violate any en.wikipedia policy, which didn't stop Rschen7754 from deleting it there. "Cross-wiki spam" is not a mentioned speedy deletion reason. Placing links to Commons photos on user pages is a very poor way to "promote" them. The only people who will find or see those pages will be those who are looking at the user's edits.
Wikipedia WikiProject spam is blatant that those fighting spam should dump "Assume Good Faith". And they do. There is an obvious explanation for the user's behavior, and it isn't to spam. It may be some sort of promotion, a kind that is allowed.
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[WV user] a SEO teaching and writing stuffs on 557 wikis? That people have been teaching anything than how to spam for almost three years... --Vituzzu (discuss • contribs) 18:41, 30 March 2014 (UTC)
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The above excerpts show that Vituzzu has blocked a group of persons with his tricky tactics and that his behavior is "contrary to policy", as stated by the honest Abd.
Many others have done similar complaints against this mafioso admin....so why he "keeps going and going and going" inside Italian Wikipedia? The answer can be found in the comment done by "ing Andrea" on Wikiperle! He wrote that: "Blackcat (an admin cousin of Frieda Brioschi, the "fat queen of Italian Wikimedia") and his friends are those who support the web helping Vituzzu in the italian wikipedia; and they work together in the other areas of Wiki on commission. If you pay attention the "Cricca"(Wikimafia) of Vituzzu has jobs everywhere: Blackcat & Jaquen in Commons, Sannita in Wikidata, M7 in Wikiquote, so when a favour/help is needed it is sufficient to do an e-mail message and the evidences disappear. And nobody dares to denounce because afraid to be banned...... (Lui e tutti questi amichetti sono quelli che sostengono la rete di soccorso di Vituzzu e agiscono su commissione negli altri progetti. Se ci fate caso la cricca di Vituzzu ha incarichi dovunque: Blackcat e Jaquen su Commons, Sannita su Wikidata, M7 su Wikiquote, quindi quando serve un favore basta lasciare un messaggio in e-mail e la roba sparisce. E nessuno denuncia niente perché ha paura per la propria utenza......)
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